A new system feature Case Transfer was launched May 2023. This new feature allows clinics the ability to request / approve transfers in the HRIF Reporting System. Watch the How-to Create a Transfer Request video.
*Help Tickets are no longer required to process a transfer request.

Follow the steps below to learn how to create a transfer request in the Reporting System.
  1. Click the patient's HRIF ID # to open the Case History
  2. Review all forms (RR, SV, AV, CNSD) listed in the Case History, to make sure they are complete and closed
  3. Click the New Form button and select Client Not Seen/Discharge Form
    • NOTE: If there is a current form (CNSD, SV, or AV) with Will be Followed by Anther CCS HRIF Program disposition, click on the Transfer Record button - Skip to step #7.
  4. Complete the CNSD form with the following: 
    • Date = MM-DD-YYYY
    • Category = Discharged
    • Reason = Infant Referred to Another HRIF Program
    • Disposition = Will be Followed by Another CCS HRIF Program
  5. Check This Form is Closed checkbox
  6. Click the Submit button
  7. Select the Transfer Center location
  8. Click the Request Transfer button
If you have any questions or issues, submit a Help Desk ticket.