If your account has been suspended due to inactivity, please submit a Help Ticket to indicate that you need to be re-activated.
Please note that per revised user policy, users who do not logon within 30 days after access has been re-instated will get suspended again. Suspended accounts are deleted twice a year, on February 1 and July 1. We are trying to address security risks associated with unattended user accounts.
Implementation of additional login security with the following implications:
- cpqccdata.org users who do not login to cpqccdata.org for > 190 days have their cqpccdata.org user privileges suspended.
- New cpqccdata.org users have 30 days to log on, otherwise their cqpccdata.org user privileges will be suspended. Note that this policy has been applied retro-actively to all accounts generated within the last 30 days.
- cpqccreport.org users who do not login to cpqccreport.org for > 190 days have their cpqccreport.org user privileges suspended.
- New cpqccreport.org users have 30 days to log on, otherwise their cpqccreport.org user privileges will be suspended. Note that this policy has been applied retro-actively to all accounts generated within the last 30 days.
- Suspended cpqccdata.org and cpqccreport.org accounts can be re-activated by the CPQCC data center at any time.
- User accounts that are suspended are deleted bi-anually on February 1 and July 1.